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Wild Wild Trend
Catch this western-inspired trend in your lasso before it gets away.
Jessica Kane, Head of Market Analytics @ Conversion Bear
December 2, 2020

Predicting what’s next in fashion is a tough game, but cowboys have been prevailing against all odds for centuries. 🤠

This season, cowboy hats are venturing beyond the ranch, appearing on heads everywhere from the office to the beach.

If you’re looking to get a-head of the trends, cowboy hats are the place to start.

The brim of this trend is only growing wider!

It’s no secret that the west galloped its way across last year’s runways in the form of boots, cattle prints, prairie dresses and more. Cowboy hats, the latest fashion trend to make its way up from the Deep South, comes on the heels of pop culture’s recent fixation on all things Americana. And what’s more American than the fabled lone cowboy tramping his way across the country in his wide-brimmed hat?

As winter approaches, old timers are swapping their straw hats for felt, and last season’s admirers are thinking it might be time to get a cowboy hat of their own.  
Curious who’s riding at the front of this heard?

Cap’s off to Resistol

Cowboy hats may be trending in 2020, but Resistol’s been a ranchers go-to for 80 years. Today, the Texas-based company works to embody the myth of the American cowboy and the southern culture that gave rise to it.

The brand proudly wear its title as official hat of the PRCA, and content featured across Resistol’s posts reminds consumers that team members don’t just dress like cowboys - they ride like them too.

Resistol’s Shopify store is one heck of a ride. Through documenting their production process (and making smart use of video backgrounds) Resistol assures customers that each hat is infused with their passion for the cowboy lifestyle. The message is clear: consumers who always admired western culture can make it their own with a single purchase.

Got your brainstorming hat on? 🏇

So western culture is having a come back right around the same time that consumers are deciding skinny jeans season is over. Well, what’s more western than cowgirl bell-bottom jeans? Yeehaw - we can hear the flare pants trend galloping your way..

No lasso is needed to visit these stores

Here are some cowboy Shopify stores:

đź”® Quickies
We're now riding off into the sunset. See you next week.
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